Wednesday, September 1, 2010

A Few Random People


On a different note, I wanted to introduce you to a few of the people I've met so far. First up:

From left: Lara Alston, Sandra Panchem, and Michelle Sanches. The kid on the very edge of the shot is Sandra's son Daniel.

Sandra Panchem actually was interviewed at the District Convention. She has four kids she's raising and she's also a regular pioneer, but a few months ago her husband had a stroke and is unable to work. So in addition to everything she's already doing, she had to get a job too. And yet, she still loves service and goes out as much as she can. And in a few days, she'll be going to Pioneer School for the first time!

From left: Michael Alston, Alton Primus (good name for a Transformer), and Tom Sanches.

And a brief shot of inside Tom and Michelle's house.....

And some people I met at the convention:

On the left is Joshua (something. They aren't too big on last names here). He's 21 and is serving as a special pioneer and is the only Ministerial Servant in a secluded congregation in the southern part of Guyana (Kwakwani is the congregation. Just in case you were wondering.) The guy on the right is his cousin Jonathan (yes, they ARE cousins. Despite appearances.)

On the left is Aaron Bahksh (I have NO idea what he's so grumpy about), and on the left is my future roommate Micaiah Young (Tom and Michelle are going to the annual meeting soon, so at that point I'm moving over to Hopetown congregation.)

Okay, that's all for now. If you have anything that you desperately want pictures of, go ahead and say so. Although I'm not guaranteeing anything.


  1. The blog won't be updated for a week or two because Josh just went on a trip into the interior. They will be working with a remote congregation and likely going to villages that have never been contacted by witnesses before.

    Look forward to the stories when he gets back - He just left on Sept. 10th.

  2. Nevermind. He's back. That was quick...
