Tuesday, December 14, 2010

A Typical Day

For reasons that take waaay too long to explain, I don't have any pictures to share with you.

On Sunday morning when I woke up, I decided I was just going to record what happened on that day and use that as my blog post. Fortunately, the day turned out very well!

Woke up around 7:30, went into the living room, plopped in the hammock we have hanging there, and remembered I had forgotten to study the Watchtower the previous night. So I spent about forty minutes going over that, and then ate breakfast (which Micaiah had made while I was studying).'

From there, went to the hall for the meeting. I don't recall the name of the speaker, but his theme was "Decisions You Face" (there was more to the name than that, but I forget)

Following the meeting is what has turned out to be the best part of the week: Sunday afternoon field service! We meet in a little covered area behind the Kingdom Hall to have the meeting. After field service, me and Dan (who it turns out has a last name! Something like Grazier....) went to see some return visits we had. For a while, it was very uneventful, until we got to ther last two calls of the day.

The first was Dan's, and we didn't actually get his call home. Instead, we got his Dad. Apparently, he's a Hindu, so we spent about a half hour talking to him about the Bible. During which he gave us things from his garden to eat while talking (the Papaya was the best, but the cucumber was good too)

After that call we saw some ominous rain clouds gathering, so we considered high-tailing it out. But then I remembered a call I had gotten just a few days before that was down the road so we went ahead and went to the call.

Good thing we did!

I had only talked to this man once before. We was busy, so I left him with the "Life In a Peaceful New World" tract, and asked "What do we need to do to be there in that world?"

When I returned, he had a torrent of questions for us, mostly regarding how the tract talked about Paradise earth, while preachers always refer to going to heaven.

After about one full hour of this, he says "You know what, I'm kind of busy right now. Maybe what you guys need to do is come over here sometime, spend about an hour, and explain the Bible to me."

Ummmm.... okay!

Then I made the mistake of saying "When would work for you? I have a very open schedule."
The time he picks: One hour before our meeting Thursday night.

So now we get to see if me and Dan manage to pull this off.


In recent news, we have yet another need-greater coming to Hopetown on Friday: His name's Levi,a dn he's Micaiah Young's older cousin. This will actually be his third visit (I think. Maybe just second), and he'll likely stay about a month.

And he's bringing us a projector!

And that's all that I can think of in recent news. Next time I hope to have pictures.


  1. How did you get to the meeting and how far away is the hall? How far is your new study from the house? When are you going to fix the typos??
